Monday, May 25, 2009

Powerful manifestations

We have all seen or heard of the men on the mountain who can magically manifest their hearts desires.  Many times we read of different schools that are secret and claim to hold the fast track to learning real magic, telepathy, and telekinesis.  While the claims may be true, and there is lineage to certain teachings, what one does with different etherial formulas is still anyone's guess.  It may be that they have seen the truth, their true insides, but how do they know their formula is more powerful than any other?  

One may indeed be more powerful than another, but this surpassing will always exist.   It's evolution. 

There are thousands of chikung and neikung formulas out there along with many other forms of mystical tradition.  You can, with minimal study and lots of meditation, invent your own system just as quickly as it would take to find one of these teachers and convince them to train you.  You just better be sure it's not imbalancing you further because meditation will only empower the imbalance if your formula is off.  Yet, if you are successful, you may be able to harness real reality-bending power.

Good luck, and study up if you're serious about it.

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