What do I mean by framing? For those of you who are Christians, you might relate to the following story, for those who are not, you can still take something out of what is described. In the Christian Bible when Jesus' apostles asked how they must pray, the writing indicates that he instructed them not to be like the religious leaders at the time who pray in public and have all look upon them and believe them to be holy. He says "They are recieving their reward in full. But what does this mean? They have framed the answer to their prayers to be having people believe they are holy. If they prayed in private, their reward would be something else. The opinion people hold of these men is a reward in itself. This opinion allows them to exercise power over the populace, and this is what they wanted. Likely, they did not really want what they were praying for.
Manifesting your desires takes energy. So how should this energy be used? What the character of Jesus was saying in this writing is that only with silence and humility can you manifest your dreams. You cannot visualize a future and then tell everyone what you will be doing because you are using the energy you need to manifest matter into getting people to agree with you and be amazed. This is, therefore, a waste and a drain of energy. The frame is the part of an interesting picture that goes un-noticed. So notice it. Its the "why" behind your desire. If it's faulty, fix it. But how does one go about fixing something so deep and fundamental. Join me in a couple of days as we discuss the role of meditation in manifestation.
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