Monday, May 25, 2009

Powerful manifestations

We have all seen or heard of the men on the mountain who can magically manifest their hearts desires.  Many times we read of different schools that are secret and claim to hold the fast track to learning real magic, telepathy, and telekinesis.  While the claims may be true, and there is lineage to certain teachings, what one does with different etherial formulas is still anyone's guess.  It may be that they have seen the truth, their true insides, but how do they know their formula is more powerful than any other?  

One may indeed be more powerful than another, but this surpassing will always exist.   It's evolution. 

There are thousands of chikung and neikung formulas out there along with many other forms of mystical tradition.  You can, with minimal study and lots of meditation, invent your own system just as quickly as it would take to find one of these teachers and convince them to train you.  You just better be sure it's not imbalancing you further because meditation will only empower the imbalance if your formula is off.  Yet, if you are successful, you may be able to harness real reality-bending power.

Good luck, and study up if you're serious about it.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Meditation for manifestation

Meditation is a practice that is shared by many faiths and disciplines throughout the world, though not all.  It's purpose, most of the time, has been to clear the mind and connect oneself to a higher power.  But what does this mean for manifestation?

The power of all things begins in the mind.  I have spoken with countless people who buy into the philosophy that we make our own reality, yet these same people cannot, and will not meditate.  The problem is always that they cannot bear to sit in one spot for that long.

Doesn't anyone see the problem with not being able to be alone with your thoughts?  What the heck is in there that terrifies everyone so much?  And how can someone begin to think that they are manifesting their reality through their thoughts if they don't quite know what makes up most of these thoughts?  Many have told me that they fear losing control by letting things leave their mind, yet the nature of manifesting your reality requires that you make a request to the universe and then let it go.  Most people can't let anything go from their minds, let alone that which they want the  most.

So how do we begin to let things go so that they can take shape without our own self sabotage?  With the knowledge that even if the mind isn't currently running at full speed, it will when your meditation is over.  So relax and let everything go for a few moments, and leave your mind in the hands of G-d.  That's all your soul asks!  And after that, feel free to worry and fret about anything and everything, but at least give yourself an hour out of the day and know that your world isn't going anywhere.  It'll be right there when your meditation is over.  If you can live this way for more than an hour, I would recommend it.

Monday, May 11, 2009


What do I mean by framing? For those of you who are Christians, you might relate to the following story, for those who are not, you can still take something out of what is described. In the Christian Bible when Jesus' apostles asked how they must pray, the writing indicates that he instructed them not to be like the religious leaders at the time who pray in public and have all look upon them and believe them to be holy. He says "They are recieving their reward in full. But what does this mean? They have framed the answer to their prayers to be having people believe they are holy. If they prayed in private, their reward would be something else. The opinion people hold of these men is a reward in itself. This opinion allows them to exercise power over the populace, and this is what they wanted. Likely, they did not really want what they were praying for.

Manifesting your desires takes energy. So how should this energy be used? What the character of Jesus was saying in this writing is that only with silence and humility can you manifest your dreams. You cannot visualize a future and then tell everyone what you will be doing because you are using the energy you need to manifest matter into getting people to agree with you and be amazed. This is, therefore, a waste and a drain of energy. The frame is the part of an interesting picture that goes un-noticed. So notice it. Its the "why" behind your desire. If it's faulty, fix it. But how does one go about fixing something so deep and fundamental. Join me in a couple of days as we discuss the role of meditation in manifestation.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


The place of sacrifice in today's society has either taken a back seat in everyday life or is saved only for humanitarian endeavors, yet within the realm of manifestation, it is absolutely necessary to control where darkness enters your life, because it will enter just as much as victory or manifestation.

Thus you cannot accept a manifestation and think you no longer have to work or put effort, as the sacrifice will be taken from another part of your life.  The control is in the ability to keep moving and work.   Many new age self-help gurus value the state of surrendering yourself to a flow.  While this is very useful and freeing, and most cannot achieve this state fully, it is still imbalanced to operate only from the right side of the brain.  Your manifestations will take momentary life and expire.

So the fire mentioned in the last article must be applied in this manner.  Prosperity and manifestation can only be concrete in a foundation based on movement and work.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Coming up...

The role of sacrifice


Sunday, May 3, 2009

The magic of manifestation

Manifestation has always been a topic that indicated potency and talent.  Many times in society, one is expected to simply manifest what is needed.  Take a sales job for instance.  In sales, one must do the same thing day after day, yet what works one day with one client, will not work with another.  You can say the same thing and even taper it to the conversation at hand and it may not work simply because the salesperson wasn't on "fire".

But what is this fire of manifestation.  Many movies and programs recently have told the general populus that by merely day-dreaming, one can realize their deepest aspirations.  This has led to a generation who thinks they know how to manifest, yet turn decidedly unreligious and evil when their manifestation didn't go as planned.  You know what I'm talking about because we've all scream in our heads louder than we think anyone has in history.  Day dreaming is not the same as a salesperson who is on fire.  Fire is caused by work and not being depressed or thinking too much.  This is the ideal place to be to manifest your dreams.  You must feel strong and active.

The ability to manifest is at our fingertips and right under our nose and we still fall short time after time.  The lie is always that we seem to have to work harder than everybody else and there must be a way to daydream and not work and manifest a relationship or money or health.

This state of inaction is always the first bump in the road to manifesting your reality.  Thus, we must exercise our will and be vigilant and attentive.  There is no other way to manifest a reality for ourselves.  Join me tomorrow with part two of the magic of manifestation.

The following blog is excellent to reference, but this text link is a GREAT FULL SYSTEM to manifesting your dreams. CLICK HERE for the full program to dissect the formula for manifestation!!


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